DroneCam Blender Addon
This is a Blender addon to fly a camera like a drone using a Xbox360 gamepad as input. Only work on Windows.
Why? It's fun, it makes for realistic camera movements, it's fast. Add the drone, click record, fly around the scene, and then render the results.
It relies on a Physic Simulation made in Geometry Nodes to handle the flying of the drone that the camera attach to.
DroneCam is a fork of XinputReader: which handle all the gamepad inputs.
How To Use
Plug the controller and launch Blender
Install the zip file as you would with any addon
Click Add DroneCam
Click Start/Stop to start flying and recording inputs. You can click it again to pause.
Right Click Start/Stop to stop the recording
Play the timeline from the first frame to see the results
You can change physics parameters on the Drone object Geometry Nodes modifier.
You can manually rotate the camera on the X axis to control the tilt aggressiveness.
If things go wrong and it's not working anymore:
- Delete the DroneCam Collection and all it's content
- Purge Unused Data (File -> Cleanup)
- Click the Add DroneCam button and everything should work again
Left Joystick Y -> Throttle
Left Joystick X -> Yaw
Right Joystick Y -> Pitch
Right Joystick X -> Roll
DroneCam addon in a .zip file